How to Stay Hydrated

Many people struggle with keeping up with the average minimum cups of water per day. Since around 70% of your body is made up of water, you should stay hydrated as much as possible. Here are a few helpful and fun tips that will help you keep hydrated daily!

1. Have water with you; everywhere! – The sight of water in your vicinity is surely to help as you have more of a temptation to have a drink. Bring a cup of water with you at your desk at work, bring a bottle of water with you when you go out and drink a cup of water whenever you eat a meal.

2. Don’t just drink water when you are thirsty – When you feel thirsty, you are already dehydrated. It isn’t good to just wait to drink water when you feel thirsty as your body already needs water.

3. Water your plant – There is an app called “Plant Nanny,” which calculates the amount of water you need daily based on your body weight, your sex and the amount of physical activity you do everyday. You then can choose the amount of water you intake whether it would be 500 mL or 250 mL. Whenever you drink that amount of water, you also water your plant! Watering your plant to the minimum required amount of water makes your plant grow, and if you continue, you may even have a full healthy garden. If your plant does not get enough water, it may begin to shrivel up! This interactive plant application is insanely addictive and may even leave you feeling guilty if you haven’t watered your plant to the minimum amount of water needed.

4. Water isn’t the only source of water – Drinking soup is also a good way of taking in your daily amount of water as soup has lots of nutrients. Drinking other beverages such as tea is also good as tea is very beneficial, but be careful! Caffeine requires a greater intake of water as it deteriorates the water in your body.

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